Emricasan works by inhibiting caspases, which are a family of related enzymes that play an important role as modulators of critical cellular functions, including functions that result in apoptosis and inflammation. Caspase activation and regulation is tightly controlled through a number of mechanisms. All caspases are expressed as enzymatically inactive forms known as pro-caspases which can be activated following a variety of cellular insults or stimuli. Seven caspases are specifically involved in the process of apoptosis while three caspases specifically activate pro-inflammatory cytokines and are not directly involved in apoptosis as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Emricasan is a Potent Inhibitor of Apoptotic and Inflammatory Caspases

Caspase mediated apoptosis is driven primarily by the activity of caspases 3 and 7 which, by virtue of their enzymatic activity, cleave a wide variety of cellular proteins and result in dismantling of the cell. Other apoptotic caspase family members are principally involved in sensing and transmitting signals from either outside or inside the cell. These signals converge to activate pro-caspases 3 and 7, enabling them to carry out the process of apoptosis.

CK18 is one key structural protein that is cleaved by caspases 3 and 7 in a highly specific manner. The product of this cleavage is a small protein fragment, cCK18. This fragment is contained within the apoptotic cell fragments and is easily detected in serum using a commercially available monoclonal antibody assay. This monoclonal antibody, M30, is used routinely in clinical studies as a measure of apoptosis.

While healthy individuals have normal levels of apoptosis, excessive levels of apoptosis associated with disease can overwhelm the body’s normal clearance mechanisms. Reducing excessive levels of apoptosis reestablishes balance between apoptotic activity and normal clearance mechanisms and brings inflammation and other drivers of disease progression under control. As a result, we believe targeting caspases that drive both apoptosis and inflammation in disease offers a unique and potentially powerful therapeutic approach for the treatment of both acute and chronic liver disease.

Testing in in vitro enzyme assays demonstrated that emricasan efficiently inhibits all human caspases at low nanomolar concentrations. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that emricasan is highly selective for the caspase family of enzymes with little to no activity against other enzyme systems. These studies have also shown that emricasan potently inhibits the apoptosis of cells regardless of the apoptotic stimuli and that it is a potent inhibitor of caspase-mediated pro-inflammatory cytokines. Emricasan has been examined in various preclinical models of liver disease. In these models, caspase activity was demonstrated to be inhibited, as determined by histological examination, in liver tissue. Based on our evaluation of emricasan in in vitro systems, cellular assays and disease models, we believe emricasan’s mechanism of action has been well characterized.

The Role of Apoptosis, Necrosis and Inflammation in Liver Disease

The death of cells and resulting inflammation play an important role in the progression of many liver diseases. In general, cells can die by either of two major mechanisms, apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, or necrosis. Both of these mechanisms can produce a state of acute and/or chronic inflammation as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Apoptosis and Necrosis: The Two Main Pathways of Liver Cell Death

High levels of noxious stimuli can rapidly overwhelm the cell’s natural protective mechanisms, leading to a rupture of the cell and subsequent release of its contents into the surrounding tissue. This process is known as necrosis and results in a highly pro-inflammatory response, further damaging the surrounding tissue. In contrast, the programmed cell death mechanism termed apoptosis is a highly controlled and tightly regulated process that involves the orderly condensation and dismantling of the cell leading to its subsequent rapid and specific removal from the surrounding tissue by specialized cells. However, under conditions of excessive stress as often observed in disease, the production of apoptotic cells outpaces the body’s ability to effectively remove them from the surrounding tissue. This results in an accumulation of shed cell fragments known as apoptotic bodies which are taken up by surrounding cells and can stimulate additional cell death. Disease-driven excessive apoptosis results in the development of scar tissue or fibrosis which can lead to tissue destruction and eventually reduce the capacity of an organ to function normally.

Markers of Liver Cell Death

ALT is an enzyme that is produced in liver cells and is naturally found in the blood of healthy individuals. In liver disease, liver cells are damaged and as a consequence, ALT is released into the blood increasing ALT levels above the normal range. Physicians routinely test blood levels of ALT to monitor the health of a patient’s liver. ALT level is a clinically important biochemical marker of the severity of liver inflammation and ongoing liver disease. Elevated levels of ALT represent general markers of liver cell death and inflammation without regard to any specific mechanism. Aspartate aminotransferase, or AST, is a second enzyme found in the blood that is produced in the liver and routinely measured by physicians along with ALT. As with ALT, AST is often elevated in liver disease and, like ALT, is considered an overall marker of liver inflammation. We have measured both ALT and AST levels in our clinical studies, and have observed similar effects of emricasan on both enzymes. However, because ALT is considered more liver specific and the pattern of changes we have observed in AST levels has been similar to those seen in ALT levels, our discussion will focus primarily on ALT.

Another important marker of liver cell death is a protein fragment called cCK18. During apoptosis a key structural protein within the cell called Cytokeratin 18, or CK18, is specifically cleaved by caspases which results in the release of cCK18 into the blood stream. cCK18 is easily detected in the blood with a commercially-available test and is a mechanism-specific biomarker of apoptosis and caspase activity. Importantly, cCK18 is also present in healthy subjects and multiple studies have demonstrated an approximate basal level in healthy subjects.

Numerous independent clinical trials and published studies have demonstrated the utility of cCK18 for detecting and gauging the severity of ongoing liver disease across a variety of disease etiologies. These studies have demonstrated correlations between disease and cCK18 levels in patients with ACLF, CLF, HCV, NASH and various other liver disease indications. For example, it has been shown that in HCV patients, the severity of liver disease was correlated with cCK18 levels and apoptosis, such that the more severe the disease, the higher the serum level of cCK18. In ACLF patients, studies have shown that blood levels of cCK18 were higher in non-surviving patients than in patients that survived. In CLF patients, studies have shown that cCK18 levels are elevated and correlate with liver inflammation and cholestasis. In patients with recurrent HCV-POLT, it has been shown that cCK18 levels and apoptosis were significantly elevated in liver biopsies as determined by immunohistochemical analysis. We believe these studies demonstrate the relationship between elevated cCK18 levels and severity of liver disease and that cCK18 is a valid and important biomarker of excessive apoptosis in liver disease.

The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease, or MELD, is a scoring system for assessing the severity of chronic liver disease. MELD is a composite score that is calculated using bilirubin levels, creatinine levels and International Normalized Ratio, or INR, which is a tool for assessing blood clotting times. MELD scores, which range from 6-40, are considered to be a valuable predictor of three-month survival. MELD score is also generally used to prioritize patients on the liver transplant list, with the average MELD score of 20 in patients undergoing liver transplant. In our planned clinical trials, we will study a subset of patients with ACLF and CLF who have MELD scores ranging from 20 to 30.